Revival Quote

+1 (608) 718-5222

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Matthew D Brown


Meet Matthew Brown, a remarkable revivalist renowned for his profound connection with Jesus and his unwavering commitment to seeing the entire body of Christ flourish in their God-given gifts and authority.At the core of his purpose lies the great commandment, as Matthew endeavors to wholeheartedly love God with all his being and extend that love to his neighbors as himself.

For over 15 years, Matthew has skillfully utilized the insurance industry as a platform to fulfill the great commission, taking the message of faith to every corner of the world. Through countless one-on-one encounters, both in insurance appointments and in his daily life, he has personally guided hundreds of individuals towards the prayer of salvation, witnessing awe-inspiring and instantaneous transformations in their lives. Matthew Brown’s journey is truly a testament to the power of faith and love in action.

What Our Clients Say About SeniorCare?

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I would like to thank Homestead for giving my mother a warm and happy place. I was even treated as one of them while taking their service.

Lorry Melon

Thank God I found Homestead on time. I was able to give my elder family member a loving home which I could not give. Thanks to the Homestead community to help him go.

Steve Smith

One of the best elder caregivers in the town. I loved their behaviour and how they treat people in general.


Amazing service and even more impressive behaviour. I liked their management system and how they treat the elders. . Ut enim ad minim
